Science Department

Ahmad Helou

Year 10 Science

The Year 10s are battling hard with the concept of Physics. They have completed thus far 2 quizzes, 1 test and a prac report. The students will have one final chance to boost their grades for Term 1 by studying hard for the final chapter test in week 8. I know they will do well. Have a great Term 1 break.

This is for the students: May the mxa be with you.

VCE Biology

The students have completed two and a half chapters thus far where they have successfully completed two SACs and many homework tasks.

Please kids don't drink pure water.

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Electives: Robotics

This year the aim of this elective is to prepare students to compete in the local and national Robocup Challenge. In this event students will build and program their own robots to function autonomously in either a rescue challenge or a two on two robot soccer match. Students who are successful at the national competitions will be invited to compete in the international First Lego League.

Electives: Science Challenge

Science Challenge is an exciting, innovative and challenging subject for our year 9/10's. The students work as individuals or in groups where they come up with their own Science or Technology based project. Students will present their projects at various competitions.

Our aim is to send as many top projects to international science fairs. Including ISWEEEP in Houston, USA; Google Science Fair in New York, USA; and ISAP in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Some of the projects that the students are working on include:

LOTE Department

Dear parents,

The idea of learning Turkish is strange for most Australian learners; but that rapidly changes to a sense of excitement as soon as the career opportunities and adventure of Turkey are discovered. Its central connections to Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East make doing business in Turkey a necessity.

Turkish classes are designed to help students attain an acceptable level of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students gain confidence in expressing thoughts, opinions, and ideas, while learning how to ask simple questions and produce negative statements orally and in written form in Turkish. The objective of this course is to attain a functional level of proficiency by incorporating conversational and written activities and using extensive vocabulary.

Students learn vocabulary and grammar by applying personal, social, and professional themes as subject media for dialogues. Students also learn about culture and history of Turkish people and language.

Lote department